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Cilantro oil vs Coriander oil | edible essential oils in food

What's the difference between the Young Living Cilantro essential oil and the Young Living Coriander essential oil?

Let's explore this topic in the context of using essential oils in food.

Both Cilantro essential oil and coriander essential oil are suited for use in food when the essential oils are sourced from Young Living, as these two Young Living oils are classified as culinary essential oils in Australia under the Food Standards Australia and New Zealand guidelines.

Coriander Plant

Both Cilantro and coriander oils come from the same plant. In Australia we call the plant coriander.

In Australia the leafy part of the coriander plant is called coriander. In the USA, the leafy part of the coriander plant is called cilantro. In Australia, the seeds of the coriander plant are called coriander seeds.

In the essential oils context, the essential oil that is produced from the leafy part of the coriander plant is called Cilantro essential oil. Whereas the coriander seeds are distilled to make Coriander essential oil.

This also affects the way we classify the oils as either herby oils or spice oils. Cilantro oil we classify as a herby oil, whilst coriander oil is classified as a spice oil, as it comes from the seeds.

Is the flavour of Cilantro oil the same as Coriander oil?

Although they come from the same plant, the flavour is different between the two oils, just as the flavour of the fresh leaves of the coriander plant taste different to coriander seeds.

That being said, cilantro oil does not have the same flavour as coriander leaves. You certainly know it comes from coriander leaves, as it has a distinct coriander leaf type flavour, though it's not the exact same flavour as the fresh leaves. I love the flavour of cilantro oil, I find it fresher than the fresh leaf, though the oil is stronger in flavour than the fresh leaves.

How to use Cilantro oil in food

Cilantro oil has become one of my personal favourite oils in food. I use Cilantro oil in guacamole (together with lime and or lemon essential oil) and in Mexican inspired cuisine. Cilantro oil also features in my salad dressings, especially if the salad includes avocado. Any recipes that call for the use of fresh coriander leaves, I use cilantro oil instead. Just a small amount is needed, usually just one drop. Chimichurri tastes great with Cilantro oil (I also use parsley oil and lemon oil)

How to use Coriander oil in cooking

Coriander oil I use when a stronger flavour is desired, when a recipe calls for coriander seeds. Coriander oil works well in Asian inspired meals, including stirfrys and soups. As Coriander oil has a strong flavour, I use a small amount, usually just one drop.

Where to Get Cilantro oil and Coriander oil in Australia?


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We're here to help!

Andrew and Sharon Wild from are full time essential oilers based in Australia! They are dedicated to helping people like you live a healthier, low toxin lifestyle using Essential Oils and Essential Oil enhanced products. 


Sharon Wild has written over 100 e-books and 50+ recorded webinars - all of which customers can access via the Team Wild Fire App! E-book and webinar topics range from using essential oils with dogs, babies and children; using essential oils for sleep, energy, stress, grumpiness, anxiousness; cooking with essential oils, using essential oils with crystals and chakras; DIY perfume making; through to DIY cleaning and skincare recipes.


Customers at will also have access to over 100 hours of educational videos to help you on your wellness journey.


We help thousands of people from Australia and all around the world - all who are a part of our oily community group known as "Team Wild Fire". 


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Australia: 1 300 730 885




Andrew & Sharon Wild

Young Living Independent Member #1018897

Sharon & Andrew Wild

Here's just of few of the 100 e-books available to customers  

Inspire - EOR - Salad Dressings Book 350
Kids Emotions Book 350px
Inspire - Using Essential Oils with Babi
Chakra Guide
Homework Helpers Book 350px
Cooking with Essential Oils
DIY Recipes for Dogs Book 350px
Diffuser Blends Book 350px
Inspire - Baby DIY Recipes Book 350px
Inspire - EOR - Baking Book 350px
Thieves Guide
Oily Recipes Cookbook
The Chemical Free House
The Chemical Free Laundry
The Chemical Free Bathroom
The Chemical Free Kitchen
Oils Discovery
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