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How to sanitise your toothbrush

How to sanitise your toothbrush

Twice a day you put your toothbrush in your mouth. Did you ever think of all of the germs that may be lurking on it?

Bacteria love the moist area of the toothbrush and grow on it. If that wasn't bad enough, if you have a toilet in the same room as you brush your teeth, then this may shock you...

Flushing the toilet sends a spray of bacteria and virus contaminated water droplets into the air. These droplets can float around in the air for at least 2 hours and may deposit on surfaces like your toothbrush, YUCK!

In shared bathrooms, there is a 60% chance your toothbrush is covered in poo, and an 80% chance it belongs to someone else! This research was conducted at the Quinnipiac University in Connecticut, that was looking at the spread of something known as fecal coliforms*.

These microorganisums can lead to diarrhoea, skin rashes and ear infections.

A simple solution to help minimise this spray coming out of the toilet is to close the toilet lid before flushing and replace your toothbrush often, particularly after you've been sick.

What if you use a toothbrush cover?

Lauren Aber, a student involved in the study comments,

"Using a toothbrush cover doesn't protect a toothbrush from bacterial growth, but actually creates an environment where bacteria are better suited to grow."

This is just one of the reasons it is important to sanitise your toothbrush everyday. But don't worry, it is easier then it sounds. You don't need to place your toothbrush in boiling water to do this.

The solution to sanitise your toothbrush is easier then you think...

Thieves Spray

To help sanitise your toothbrush, spray it with the Thieves spray at least once per day.

The Thieves Spray contains a potent combination of therapeutic grade essential oils to help purify all of those nasties lurking on toothbrush surfaces.

This combination of 5 essential oils is known as Thieves Oil. The therapeutic grade essential oils included in this blend are Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus and Rosemary.

This blend of essential oils is so effective that an entire Thieves range of products has been developed for safe, chemical free, natural green cleaning solutions.

Thieves Spray

* Sources:


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Andrew & Sharon Wild

Young Living Independent Member #1018897

Sharon & Andrew Wild

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