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Top 5 Thieves Spray Uses In The Kitchen

Thieves Household Spray Uses in Kitchen

Let's explore how to use the top 5 Thieves Spray uses in the kitchen.

What is Thieves Spray? It's an all-natural spray concentrate from Young Living. Based on the Young Living Thieves essential oil blend of clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus, lemon and rosemary essential oils, the Thieves spray features all-natural plant based ingredients without any harmful chemicals. Find out more about Thieves Spray and the Thieves Spray all-natural ingredients here.

Thieves Spray for finger print marks

1. Finger Print Marks on Fridges

If you have stainless steel appliances, you'll know how quickly they get marked up with greasy finger print marks. Thieves Spray comes to the rescue. Simply spray Thieves Spray on the stainless steel fridge or kitchen appliance then wipe clean with a cloth. You'll be left with a streak free clean that smells great.

Use Thieves Spray for cleaning stianless steel appliances instead of the stainless steel appliance cleaners - they're filled with harmful chemicals and dirt and grime tends to cling to the film left behind by those types of stainless steel cleaners.

Watch this video to see a how to clean finger print marks using Thieves Spray.

Thieves Spray as vegetable spray

2. Vege & Fruit Spray

Use Thieves Spray as a fruit and vegetable spray. Simply spritz the Thieves Spray on vegetables and fruit. Then wash with water.

Thieves spray for kitchen surfaces

3. Cleaning & Sanitising Kitchen Surfaces

Everybody knows we need to keep our kitchen bench-tops clean and sanitised.

Kitchens surfaces are teaming with germs, bacteria and viruses including salmonella, E. coli, listeria and staphylococcus bacteria, the four germs that most commonly cause food poisoning. Keeping your food preparation surfaces sanitised is important for the health of you and your family.

To sanitise kitchen bench-tops, sinks and kitchen surfaces, simply spray with the Thieves Spray.

Thieves Cleaner is another great option for an all-natural cleaner for the kitchen.

Thieves spray as kitchen deodoriser

4. Thieves Spray as a Kitchen Deodoriser

Use Thieves Spray in the kitchen as an all-natural chemical free air freshener to remove and eliminate foul cooking odours from fish and other undesireable smells.

Here's what Vickie has to say about using Thieves Spray for odours

"To keep my house smelling fresh and free of unseen germs, I spray Thieves Spray into the intake vent of our air conditioning system. I simply remove the main filter and spray several times into the intake duct, allowing the air to pull the spray into the entire ductwork system. Within seconds you can smell the Thieves all over the house. The air we are breathing is no doubt much healthier now!" - Vickie Anderson in Young Living e-News Sep 14, 2009

Thieves spray for garbage bin stink

5. Thieves Spray for Garbage Bin Stink

Garbage bins stink! That's where Thieves Spray comes in handy. Simply spray the garbage bin a few times a week to combat garbage smells.

Here's what DeAnna has to say about Thieves Spray for garbage bin stink

"We have had a lot of trouble keeping the enclosed garbage can smelling clean. I have used everything, even bleach. I got my package of Thieves and tried Thieves Spray in the garbage can and for the first time we have not had that foul odour when you open it anymore! It's absolutely amazing stuff and I don't have to spray it often either. That really amazed me!" - DeAnna Haagenson in Young Living e-News May 18, 2010

How will you know what to use the Thieves Spray for?

When you order the Thieves Spray from you'll gain access to the Thieves Guide. Watch this video to see what's in the Thieves Guide.

Where to Buy Thieves Spray in Australia?

Looking to get your own Thieves Household Spray? Then we would love to help!

In Australia? Then purchase your Thieves Spray here.

In the USA or elsewhere in the world? Then click here to view Thieves Spray and add it to your shopping cart.

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Andrew and Sharon Wild from are full time essential oilers based in Australia! They are dedicated to helping people like you live a healthier, low toxin lifestyle using Essential Oils and Essential Oil enhanced products. 


Sharon Wild has written over 100 e-books and 50+ recorded webinars - all of which customers can access via the Team Wild Fire App! E-book and webinar topics range from using essential oils with dogs, babies and children; using essential oils for sleep, energy, stress, grumpiness, anxiousness; cooking with essential oils, using essential oils with crystals and chakras; DIY perfume making; through to DIY cleaning and skincare recipes.


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Andrew & Sharon Wild

Young Living Independent Member #1018897

Sharon & Andrew Wild

Here's just of few of the 100 e-books available to customers  

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Inspire - Using Essential Oils with Babi
Chakra Guide
Homework Helpers Book 350px
Cooking with Essential Oils
DIY Recipes for Dogs Book 350px
Diffuser Blends Book 350px
Inspire - Baby DIY Recipes Book 350px
Inspire - EOR - Baking Book 350px
Thieves Guide
Oily Recipes Cookbook
The Chemical Free House
The Chemical Free Laundry
The Chemical Free Bathroom
The Chemical Free Kitchen
Oils Discovery
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