Frankincense Essential Oil for Internal Use - Where to Buy in Australia and USA
Are you looking for Frankincense essential oil that can be used internally? If you've been looking for Frankincense oil for internal use, you'll probably know by now that most brands of Frankincense essential oil can't be used internally. Most Frankincense oil bottle labels say not for internal use on the label.
Young Living's frankincense oil however, can be used!
Why do most Frankincense essential oil bottles say not for internal use? You'll see reports online about whether essential oils can be used internally. Some reports say that essential oils should not be used internally. And that is good advice for most brands of essential oils, as most brands of essential oils, even brands labelled as '100% pure' or 'organic' are not suited for internal use and could be harmful if ingested.

What about Young Living Frankincense essential oil? Can it be used internally?
The guidelines for using Young Living Frankincense essential oil depend upon each country, as each country has different government regulations and classifications for essential oil usage.
In the United States, Young Living Frankincense Vitality Essential Oil is classified as a “Dietary Supplement”. You will see Young Living's Frankincense Vitality essential oil listed for use internally, in capsules as dietary supplements and for use in food and drinks.
In Australia, essential oils are regulated differently to the USA. In Australia, you will see reference to the use of Young Living Frankincense essential oil topically, aromatically, for use in cooking for flavouring food and drinks and used in Young Living's nutritional supplements. For example, Young Living Frankincense essential oil is used in Young Living's Longevity capsule supplement which is listed with the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration.
For Young Living Frankincense essential oil, the labels in each country are based upon the government requirements in that country. So in the USA you'll see the white Vitality Frankincense label. In Australia you'll see a red Frankincense label.
Though just note that Young Living Frankincense oil in the USA, is the same Young Living essential oil in Australia. So the Young Living Frankincense Vitality essential oil, is the same Frankincense essential oil in the Young Living Frankincense essential oil bottles in Australia. It's just the labels will look different.
Where to Buy Frankincense Oil in Australia?
Looking to get your own Young Living Frankincense essential oil? We would love to help you!
If you're in Australia purchase your Young Living Frankincense essential oil here.
If you're in the USA or elsewhere in the world? Then click here to view Young Living Frankincense essential oil and add it to your shopping cart.