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World's Top MLM Expert Richard Bliss Brooke Endorses Young Living Essential Oils - The Best Netw

Best Network Marketing Opportunity in Australia - Richard Bliss Brooke Young Living interview

Young Living Essential Oils is the best network marketing opportunity according to the world's leading MLM expert Richard Bliss Brooke.

When choosing a network marketing company, you want to choose the best company. What is the best company in network marketing? We asked the world famous Richard Bliss Brooke what he thought the best company was. And how do we know that Richard thinks Young Living essential oils is the best company? Because after 30+ years in the Network Marketing profession, Richard has joined Young Living as a distributor! There's no better endorsement than that from a world leader in Network Marketing!

Richard Bliss Brooke is the author of the 4 Year Career and is one of the world's most respected speakers, coaches and trainers in the Network Marketing profession. Richard literally wrote the book on how to choose a network marketing company. Richard has followed his own advice from his book the 4 Year Career to choose Young Living essential oils as his network marketing opportunity. Young Living ticked all the check boxes for what to look for in a network marketing company.

In this video interview, Sharon Wild and Skyla Mann, Young Living leaders, were keen to find out more about Richard's reasons for joining Young Living. In this interview Richard Bliss Brooke outlines why he decided to become a Young Living distributor, to bring his organization into Young Living. Watch the video to hear from Richard.

Here's a summary transcript of Richard's reasons for joining Young Living.

Through Richard's Network Marketing Coaching business called Bliss Business, Richard noticed that many of his coaching and training clients were from Young Living and that the Young Living clients always did way better than any other company.

Richard offered the same same coaching to his other clients, but the Young Living clients advanced through the compensation plan quicker, they built bigger teams and they made more money.

So Richard started asking the question "what is it about Young Living?"

Richard first looked at the Young Living leaders - to see if they were exceptional leaders or whether it was because the leaders work harder than anybody else. But Richard concluded that it wasn't that.

Richard concluded that it was the Young Living products and the stickiness or retention of Young Living members to the products.

Richard assessed the figures of one of his top coaching clients from Young Living and found that the percentage of members who had joined and were on autoship (monthly ordering) was unprecedented in the network marketing profession.

Young Living has higher retention than any other company Richard has ever seen in the MLM industry. Richard said "if you look at any of the big companies like Herbalife, Amway, Mary Kay and NuSkin, those companies' retention rate is somewhere between 1% to a high of 10% of the people that join who are still active a year later; with 10% being considered as 'out of the park' high.

Richard's Young Living clients retention rates were 4 to 5 times that. Richard saw consistent results and figures with other Young Living leaders.

Richard also had 'soft reasons' for joining Young Living. Young Living has the kind of culture that matches who Richard and his wife Kimmy are and what they teach. Richard believes Young Living aren't about being the biggest company or the fastest growing. Richard believes Young Living is more collaborative and mission based than they are business based. Richard saw that Young Living embraces authenticity, honesty, family and spirituality. Richard believes Young Living have done an extraordinary job of creating products that people love and stick with.

In this video, Sharon Wild and Andrew Wild, Young Living leaders from Australia explain who Richard Bliss Brooke is, and why his endorsement of Young Living is so significant.

Who is Richard Bliss Brooke? About Richard Bliss Brooke ... extract from Richard's website ....

Richard is the author of the bestselling Network Marketing book “The Four Year Career.” Hundreds of thousands of distributors have used this book to build belief, grow their businesses, and turn skeptics into Network Marketing believers.

Richard is also the author of the personal development book “Mach2: The Art of Vision & Self-Motivation.” The principles in this book are what launched Richard to breakout success … and what landed him on that history-making cover of SUCCESS magazine.

In his 40-year career in Network Marketing, Richard has become one of the most sought-after trainers and coaches of our time. He regularly hosts a 1-day Live Your Bliss Workshop where he brings the principles of “Mach2” to life. He also hosts 4-day transformational retreats where he coaches small groups into a different state of being. Richard speaks to audiences in the thousands, including at Eric Worre's Go Pro Recruiting Mastery Event and Sonia Stringer's Believe Conference.

Richard is a former member of the Board of Directors of the Direct Selling Association, a senior member of the DSA Ethics Committee, and the man who brought you the incredible viral video series Super MLM Man.

Sharon Wild Interviewed Richard

Sharon Wild is Young Living leader and advocate from Australia. Sharon's Young Living team called Team Wild Fire span across Australia and in many countries around the world.

How to join Young Living in Australia

If you're not yet part of the Young Living community and you're looking for the best network marketing company to work with, join Sharon Wild's Young Living Team Wild Fire. Visit Sharon's website at to join Young Living. Find out about all of the support, resources and training you'll gain access to as part of Team Wild Fire by visiting the team website.

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We're here to help!

Andrew and Sharon Wild from are full time essential oilers based in Australia! They are dedicated to helping people like you live a healthier, low toxin lifestyle using Essential Oils and Essential Oil enhanced products. 

Sharon Wild has written over 100 e-books and 50+ recorded webinars - all of which customers can access via the Team Wild Fire App! E-book and webinar topics range from using essential oils with dogs, babies and children; using essential oils for sleep, energy, stress, grumpiness, anxiousness; cooking with essential oils, using essential oils with crystals and chakras; DIY perfume making; through to DIY cleaning and skincare recipes.

Customers at will also have access to over 100 hours of educational videos to help you on your wellness journey.

We help thousands of people from Australia and all around the world - all who are a part of our oily community group known as "Team Wild Fire". 

Get started today as a customer at to gain access to the Team Wild Fire app.

Contact us today via email, phone or on Facebook so that we can help you get started on your health and wellness journey.

Australia: 1 300 730 885




Andrew & Sharon Wild

Young Living Independent Member #1018897

Sharon & Andrew Wild

Here's just of few of the 100 e-books available to customers  

Inspire - EOR - Salad Dressings Book 350
Kids Emotions Book 350px
Inspire - Using Essential Oils with Babi
Chakra Guide
Homework Helpers Book 350px
Cooking with Essential Oils
DIY Recipes for Dogs Book 350px
Diffuser Blends Book 350px
Inspire - Baby DIY Recipes Book 350px
Inspire - EOR - Baking Book 350px
Thieves Guide
Oily Recipes Cookbook
The Chemical Free House
The Chemical Free Laundry
The Chemical Free Bathroom
The Chemical Free Kitchen
Oils Discovery
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