Best Herb Essential Oils for Food | Where to Buy in Australia?
Looking for herb edible essential oils for use in your food and cooking?
Here's the top 7 Young Living herb essential oils for cooking:
Those are 7 of the Young Living oils that can be used as food grade oils for cooking. Though there are 38 Young Living food grade essential oils that are used to flavour food including Lemon Myrtle, Bergamot, Fennel, Coriander, Lime, Tangerine, Orange, Peppermint and Spearmint. See the full range of food grade essential oils here.
If you've been looking for food grade essential oils in Australia, you've probably found it hard to find essential oils for use in food and cooking.
Why? It's because most essential oil brands, even brands labelled as 'pure' or 'organic' are not suited for use in food. Those essential oils are only for aromatherapy use. That includes essential oils sold in health food stores. Those brands could actually be harmful if ingested. That's why you'll see 'not for internal' use written on the labels of most essential oil bottles in Australia.
But here's the goods news is, Young Living essential oils are used as food grade oils and can be used in cooking in Australia!
Young Living essential oils are therapeutic grade essential oils which can be used in food and drinks to flavour food. Young Living essential oils are used in food flavouring under the FSANZ Food Standards Australia & New Zealand guidelines.
38 of the Young Living oils can be used in food. The Young Living labels show which oils can be used in food and how much oil to use in your food.
See all of the Young Living food grade essential oils for cooking here.
Young Living Food Grade Edible Essential Oils in Australia
Which Oils Can be Used in Cooking?
Watch the video to see which edible Young Living essential oils can be used in cooking
Not all Essential Oils Brands can be Used for Cooking
Watch the video to why most essential oil brands can't be used for food and cooking.
How to cook with Essential Oils?
Want to know how to cook with essential oils? When you purchase Young Living essential oils from, you'll gain access to the Cooking with Essential Oils ebooks. Watch the video to find out more.
Where to Buy Young Living Essential Oils for Cooking in Australia?
Looking to get your own Young Living essential oils? We would love to help you!
If you're in Australia purchase your edible Young Living food grade essential oils for cooking here.
If you're in the USA or elsewhere in the world? Then click here to view Young Living Vitality essential oils and add them to your shopping cart.