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Macadamia Nut Milk Recipe with Orange and Lemon Essential Oil

Macadamia Milk Recipe with Orange and Cinnamon Essential Oil
Macadamia Milk Recipe with Orange and Cinnamon Essential Oil

Macadamia Mylk Recipe with Cinnamon and Lemon Essential Oil

Make your own macadamia milk at home with this easy recipe. The best part about this recipe is the addition of essential oils, with Young Living Cinnamon essential oil or Orange essential oil. This recipe is by Chef Kate.


To make your easy macadamia mylk – all you’ll need is one-part nuts to two parts water, plus your favourite culinary essential oil. Add in a drop or two of your favourite Young Living culinary essential oil.

NOTE Soaking nuts re-hydrates, softens, activates life force and makes them easier to digest. Drain before blending.

Soaking (Activating) Nuts and Seeds Soaking and activating nuts creates a similar condition to germination and helps remove a protective natural toxin (phytic acid, which is designed to make the nut pass straight through a digestive system to germinate). Removing this protective layer during soaking usually makes nuts easier to digest and can also increase healthy enzymes and nutritional availability in the nut.

To Soak/Activate Nuts Place your desired quantity of nuts in a jar and cover with filtered or spring water at an approx. 2 to 1 ratio (1 cup nuts to 2 cups water). Place on a counter overnight. You can soak for less time, but at least 6–8 hours is ideal. After soaking, drain and rinse the nuts or seeds in filtered or spring water and use immediately, or store in the fridge for up to 3 days

Where to Buy Food Grade Essential Oils in Australia?

Which Essential Oils can be used with Food?

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We're here to help!

Andrew and Sharon Wild from are full time essential oilers based in Australia! They are dedicated to helping people like you live a healthier, low toxin lifestyle using Essential Oils and Essential Oil enhanced products. 

Sharon Wild has written over 100 e-books and 50+ recorded webinars - all of which customers can access via the Team Wild Fire App! E-book and webinar topics range from using essential oils with dogs, babies and children; using essential oils for sleep, energy, stress, grumpiness, anxiousness; cooking with essential oils, using essential oils with crystals and chakras; DIY perfume making; through to DIY cleaning and skincare recipes.

Customers at will also have access to over 100 hours of educational videos to help you on your wellness journey.

We help thousands of people from Australia and all around the world - all who are a part of our oily community group known as "Team Wild Fire". 

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Australia: 1 300 730 885




Andrew & Sharon Wild

Young Living Independent Member #1018897

Sharon & Andrew Wild

Here's just of few of the 100 e-books available to customers  

Inspire - EOR - Salad Dressings Book 350
Kids Emotions Book 350px
Inspire - Using Essential Oils with Babi
Chakra Guide
Homework Helpers Book 350px
Cooking with Essential Oils
DIY Recipes for Dogs Book 350px
Diffuser Blends Book 350px
Inspire - Baby DIY Recipes Book 350px
Inspire - EOR - Baking Book 350px
Thieves Guide
Oily Recipes Cookbook
The Chemical Free House
The Chemical Free Laundry
The Chemical Free Bathroom
The Chemical Free Kitchen
Oils Discovery
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